
coderunner provides the following class.

code(source, lang, output, inp, path)#

  • Parameters(type) :
    • source : The Source Code
    • lang : The Programming Language
    • output : Expected Output of the Program (optional).
    • inp : Standard Input to the program (optional).
    • path : specify mode of input. Set this to False if you are not using file paths (optional)


from coderunner.coderunner import code

source_code = "path-to/"
language = "Python3"
expected_output = "path-to/output.txt"
standard_input = "path-to/input.txt"

# use this if you have a standard input to Program
r = code(source_code, language, expected_output, standard_input)

# otherwise
r = code(source_code, language, expected_output)

# you can also ignore both fields
r = code(source_code, language)

# Use path=False if not using file paths
r = code("Hello, World", language, "Hello, World", path=False)

See for a more descriptive usage.

Pointers ✏

  • In a Java program the class name should always be Main.
  • CodeRunner supports all languages provided by Judge0. See full list of supported languages here. or you can use
['Assembly', 'Bash', 'Basic', 'C', 'C++', 'C#', 'Common Lisp', 'D', 'Elixir', 'Erlang', 'Executable', 'Fortran', 'Go', 'Haskell', 'Java', 'JavaScript', 'Lua', 'OCaml', 'Octave', 'Pascal', 'PHP', 'Plain Text', 'Prolog', 'Python2', 'Python3', 'Ruby', 'Rust', 'TypeScript']
  • Languages should be specified as string like "C++", "Java" etc.

Methods available in class code().


Since v1.0, you need to provide a API Key & URL for using Judge0 through coderunner.

Here is an example on how to do this.

from coderunner import coderunner
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv


source_code = "testfiles/" + ""
language = "Python3"
output = "testfiles/output/" + "output2.txt"
Input = "testfiles/input/" + "input.txt"

API_KEY = os.environ["API_KEY"]

r = coderunner.code(source_code, language, output, Input)

# Necessary step to initialize API keys & URL

print("Run r :")
print("Status : " + r.getStatus())
print("Output : " + r.getOutput())

The default API URL is []()

### 1. run()
**Parameters(type)** : Number Of Runs (`int`), optional<br>
**Return Type** : None <br>
**Description**: Submits the program on Judge0's server.<br>

# by default the program executes 1 time on server.

# to execute program 2 times, use

2. getStatus()#

Parameters(type) : None
Return Type : String
Description: Returns submission status.

  • List of Statuses :
    • In Queue
    • Processing
    • Accepted
    • Wrong Answer
    • Time Limit Exceeded
    • Compilation Error
    • Runtime Error (SIGSEGV)
    • Runtime Error (SIGXFSZ)
    • Runtime Error (SIGFPE)
    • Runtime Error (SIGABRT)
    • Runtime Error (NZEC)
    • Runtime Error (Other)
    • Internal Error
    • Exec Format Error


status = r.getStatus()
# Accepted, Wrong Answet etc.

3. getError()#

Parameters(type) : None
Return Type : String
Description: Returns any error occured during program execution. Demo:

error = r.getError()
'Error :   File "", line 2\n'
 '    print("Hello, "  name)\n'
 '                        ^\n'
 'SyntaxError: invalid syntax\n'

4. getOutput()#

Parameters(type) : None
Return Type : String
Description: Returns the standard output of the program.

stdout = r.getOutput()
# 'Hello, World\n'

5. getMemory()#

Parameters(type) : None
Return Type : String
Description: Returns the memory used by the program (in kilobytes).

memory = r.getMemory()
# 3688

6. getTime()#

Parameters(type) : None
Return Type : String
Description: Returns execution time of the program.

time_consumed = r.getTime()
# 0.031 seconds

7. getExitCode()#

Parameters(type) : None
Return Type : String
Description: Returns exit code of program.

exit_code = r.getExitCode()
# 0 on Accepted and 1 on Run Time Error

8. getSubmissionDate()#

Parameters(type) : None
Return Type : String
Description: Returns submission date/time of the program on Judge0's Server.

sub_date = r.getSubmissionDate()
# 2019-11-11T13:27:15.909Z

9. setFlags(options)#

Parameters(type) : Compiler flags (String)
Return Type : None
Description: Options for the compiler (i.e. compiler flags).

r.setFlags("-O2 -Wall")

10. setArguments(arguments)#

Parameter Type : Command line arguments (String)
Return Type : None
Description: Command line arguments for the program.
